- Installation or upgrade of the Lab Manager agent fails or Prepare host fails.
- Preparing host fails with the following error:
The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required
- Adding a template or configuration fails
- Adding an new ESX host to be managed by Lab Manager fails
Before installing the Lab Manager agent (lm-agent), ensure that the ESX host to be used with Lab Manager is setup correctly to meet Lab Manager's minimum requirements.
For best results, use a newly installed ESX host and apply any required ESX host updates and patches and configure the server to ensure the following list is met:
Note: VMware recommends using ESX 3.0.2 Update 1 or later, if you choose to use an ESX 3.0.x host. ESX 3.0.2 Update 1 includes patch 1002089 to correct an issue that may affect Lab Manager. For more information, see ESX Server 3.0.2, Patch ESX-1002089; Support for NetApp-specific OpCode; Latent Ping Response; VMkernel Updates (1002089).
Note: VMware recommends using ESX 3.0.2 Update 1 or later, if you choose to use an ESX 3.0.x host. ESX 3.0.2 Update 1 includes patch 1002089 to correct an issue that may affect Lab Manager. For more information, see ESX Server 3.0.2, Patch ESX-1002089; Support for NetApp-specific OpCode; Latent Ping Response; VMkernel Updates (1002089).
- At least one VMFS datastore (any of: local SCSI, iSCSI, or SAN) is attached and available to the ESX host. Log in to the server using the Virtual Infrastructure (VI) Client. Click Configuration > Storage and make sure there is at least one datastore formatted with VMFS listed. If not, create or connect one. For more information, see the Server Configuration Guide for your version of ESX.
- The ESX host license is configured and ready for use. For more information, see Viewing the number of CPU Licenses using the VI Client (1005262).
Note: Lab Manager can only be used with Enterprise and Standard and Evaluation licenses. Starter edition and Server Foundation licenses are not supported. - The host name of the ESX host resolves to the correct IP address assigned to the service console. Confirm that the IP address assigned to the ESX service console matches the address returned by DNS when the host name is 'pinged'. For more information, see Testing network connectivity with the ping command (1003486). To determine the IP address of the ESX service console, see the Server Configuration Guide for your version of ESX.
- At least one virtual switch that is configured for use with virtual machines is attached to an active NIC and network connection. For more information, see the Server Configuration Guide for your version of ESX.
- All firewall ports must be correctly configured. For more information, see the Configuring Firewall Settings section of the vCenter Lab Manager Installation and Upgrade Guide.
- The ESX host's system clock is up-to-date and correct.
Note: VMware recommends enabling NTP time synchronization. For more information on configuring NTP, seeInstalling and Configuring NTP on VMware ESX Server (1339).Based on VMware KB 1006964