How to attach and configure an XRAID storage


Do you have any info/docs/howto's with step by step instructions on how to attach and configure an XRAID storage with VMware?


  1. Cannot locate any reference material for connecting the XRAID to an ESX server.
  2. No XRAID devices in the company.
  3. Have not attached these devices in our support lab.
  4. The XRAID is not on our hardware compatibility list.
  5. VMware does not have any qualified procedures or information on the connection of, or performance of, this device or devices.

Our partners, like Equallogic, Netapp and others, work through a self qualification process and generate appropriate installation instructions for their customers. For example, when we are asked about configuring an Equallogic to work with an ESX server, we advise the customers that Equallogic has documentation on their web site, and that they should call this storage vendor, or their storage vendor for any unique assistance configuring their unique SAN.

When a vendor or partner has done any qualification of and for their product, they provide us with all the critical details that we, in turn, add to the next publication of the SAN configuration guide. For additional details on configuring a SAN we refer our customers to their SAN vendor because we do not have the details or access to SAN devices to identify any particular details or best practices for the vendor or partner storage array.

Based on VMware KB 1002128

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