Logging in to the vCenter Server 5.0 Web Client fails with the error: unable to connect to vCenter Inventory Service


After upgrading from vCenter Server 4.1 to 5.0, you experience these symptoms:

  • Cannot log in to the Web Client
  • Logging in to the Web Client fails
  • You see the error:

    unable to connect to vCenter Inventory Service - https://domain.local:10443

    : The URL specified should be https://vCenterServer.domain.com:10443

  • You are able to log in to vCenter Server
  • When you log in to vCenter Server, Health Status does not report any error
  • In the ds.log file, located at C:\ProgramData\VMware\Infrastructure\Inventory Service\Logs\, you see the error:

    Error connecting to peer:https://vCenter.domain.local:10443 reason: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to https://vCenter.domain.local:10443 refused


To workaround this issue, you must reset the vCenter Inventory database: 
  1. Click Start Run, type services. msc, and click OK. The Services window opens.
  2. Right-click vCenter Inventory Service and click Stop.
  3. Click Start > Run, type cmd.exe, and click OK. The Command Prompt window opens.
  4. Rename or move the contents of the Inventory Service data directory. 

    The location of the Inventory Service directory is specified during the vCenter Server installation. The default location isC:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\Inventory Service\data.

  5. Change directory to the Inventory Service scripts directory. For example, if you have installed vCenter Inventory Service in the default location, run this command:

    cd C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\Inventory Service\scripts

  6. Run this command to reset the vCenter Inventory Service database:


  7. Run this command to update the stored configuration information of the Inventory Service:

    register.bat current_vCenter_Server_FQDN vCenter_Server_HTTPS_port

    For example: 

    register.bat machinename.corp.com 443

  8. Restart vCenter Inventory Service.

    To restart the service, in the Services window, right-click vCenter Inventory Service and click Start.

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