Configuring a legacy license server to manage ESX/ESXi 3.x hosts in vCenter Server


This article provides steps for configuring a legacy license server.

If you intend to use one or more ESX/ESXi 3.x hosts in your vSphere environment, you must use a legacy VMware License Server to license those hosts.


You may use an existing legacy VMware License Server or install and configure a new instance of a legacy VMware License Server.

Follow the instructions in the Setting up Centralized Licensing section of the Installation Guide for your legacy product to install and configure the legacy VMware License Server.

Configuring vCenter to Use the Legacy License Server

To configure the legacy VMware License Server information in vCenter Server:

  1. In the vSphere Client, go to Administration > vCenter Server Settings.
  2. Choose Licensing.
  3. In the License Server section, enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or the IP address of the legacy VMware License Server. 

    Use one of these formats for entering the FQDN/IP address: 


    [email protected]

    Optionally, specify the port where the legacy VMware License Server is running.

    Note: If you do not specify the port when configuring the legacy VMware License Server, the default port (27000) is entered automatically.

  4. Select Reconfigure ESX 3 hosts using license servers to use this server.

    Note: If you do not select Reconfigure ESX 3 hosts using license servers to use this server, the licensing settings on the ESX host remain unchanged.

  5. Click OK to save your changes.

After configuring vCenter Server, you must license the ESX host using a centralized license file uploaded on a licenses server. For more information on how to upload a centralized license file on a license server, see Installing Licenses for ESX Server 3.x (1001383)


  • You can use another license server to manage the ESX/ESXi 3.x hosts, but the licensing information is not communicated to vCenter Server . The total number of licenses consumed and available on the license server are summarized on the License reporting portal.
  • For more information on how to generate a Centralized License file, see Creating a Single Host and Centralized License file in the VI3 License Portal (1005132).
Based on VMware KB 1010704
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