ESX 3.5 Host Update Rollup Bundle Advisory


If the ESX350-Update03 rollup bundle is installed on an ESX 3.5 host, you may experience these symptoms:


  • Update Manager displays the ESX host as Not Compliant and Applicable with a baseline that contains the previous rollup bundles ESX350-Update01 and ESX350-Update02.

The remediation of the ESX host against the baseline containing the ESX350-Update01 and ESX350-Update02 bundles completes successfully. The host becomes compliant with the baseline.

  • In the ESX host console OS, esxupdate –d <depotURL> scan shows the bundle as Applicable.

The installation of the ESX350-Update01 and ESX350-Update02 bundles succeeds with warning messages that individual patch bundles are made obsolete by newer bundles.  


ESX update releases are cumulative. A new update release contains all fixes from the previous update release. For example, ESX350-Update02 contains all of the fixes introduced in ESX350-Update01, and ESX350-Update03 contains all of the fixes introduceed in ESX350-Update01 and ESX350-Update02. Therefore, it is unnecessary to install ESX350-Update01 and ESX350-Update02 on a host that is already compliant with ESX350-Update03.  


To work around the Not Compliant status of the ESX host against a baseline containing the ESX350-Update01 and ESX350-Update 02 rollup bundles, do one of the following:

  • Detach the baseline containing the ESX350-Update01 and ESX350-Update02 rollup bundles from all hosts that are compliant with the baseline containing the ESX350-Update03 bundle.


  • Remediate the host against the baseline containing ESX350-Update01 and ESX350-Update02. No patch binaries are installed on the host, but the compliance status becomes Compliant.

Based on VMware KB 1006383

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