Registered storage providers missing after vCenter 5.5 Update 1 Upgrade.

July 10, 2013

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It has come to my attention that when you upgrade to a vCenter 5.5 update 1 all your registered storage providers are unregistered once the reboot of the appliance is complete. It affects all storage providers. This was well confirmed and one must have plans on how you are going to rectify that problem.

The solution to the problem is straight forward all you need to do is re-register each of the missing storage providers. For dell compellent customers , the storage provider points to the CITV (Compellent Integration Tools for VMware) appliance and the URL is follows the format: https: //fqdn:8443/vasa/services/vasaService

They also need to keep in mind for VASA integration:
. The integration requires the CITV appliance and Enterprise Manager 6.1 and above.
. The out of box Windows Server Firewall configuration which Enterprise Manager sits on will block the initial VASA configuration in the CITV appliance. TCP 3033 incoming must be allowed or alternatively disable the Windows Firewall (not highly recommended).

After this all compliance will fall into place.deployment of vcenter 5.5 appliances under cloud director with a default,no registered vsphere hosts , registering a VASA storage provider when you upgrade to update 1 and reboot, the storage provider remained registered.

For being in a goods position its advisable to stick to particular method of creating, applying and monitoring profile driven storage in your vsphere environment from a vsphere client perspective.

Finally VMware KB 2004098 vSphere storage APIs-storage awareness FAQ provides useful bits of information about the VASA side of vSphere storage APIs.its advisable to keep the EM and vCenter server installations separate separate as they consume large amounts of CPU and memoryin lafrge environments.

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