There is a new release of the vCheck6 and those with need for more info they can visit the vCheck 6 release page and ensure to visit the vCheck plugins page for the available plugins. Below are what I think will be some helpful tips for now:
- First you need to know the access the vCheck utility commands to achieve this you must “dot-source” the file:
. .vCheckUtils.ps1 #there is dot space dot
- You will have a display of the commands. Their basic functions are:
Get-vCheckCommand # Get commands found in vCheckUtils.ps1 Get-vCheckPlugin # Retrieve list of plugins Add-vCheckPlugin # Add plugin from Remove-vCheckPlugin # Remove an installed plugin
- Here some common uses of the commands:
To list uninstalled plugins available from repository: Get-VCheckPlugin –notinstalled Get a plugin by its name: Get-VCheckPlugin -name “Plugin Name” To get a plugin by name and install it from the repository: Get-VCheckPlugin -name “Plugin Name | Add-VCheckPlugin Getting a plugin by name and uninstall it: Get-VCheckPlugin -name “Plugin Name | Add-VCheckPlugin Getting all plugins by name that are not installed and installing them though they may be many: Get-VCheckPlugin -notinstalled | Add-VCheckPlugin If not well satisfied and need moiré help: Get-Help Get-VCheckPlugin