How to Install and setup Postfix on Ubuntu 14.04

Introduction Postfix is an extremely prominent open source Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) that could be utilized to course and convey email on a Linux framework. It is evaluated that around 25% of open mail servers on the web run Postfix. In this aide, we’ll show you how to get up and running rapidly with Postfix […]

Understand How DNS servers work!

Many of use wonder how DNS works, quite frankly it needs a bit of an understanding the background process of a DNS Query to have the overall idea of the process.  Let’s start with Query: The process of DNS Query involves, 1. An application that calls for a name resolution like Web Browser (Google Chrome, […]

WIMBoot in Windows 8.1 allows saving storage and memory

All you need to know about WIMBoot in Windows WIMBoot in Windows. From the latest update of windows 8.1 you have a new feature that allows users to use lower-end machines with small SSD, it enables a user to save space on their machines, so if you have a pc or tablet which has a […]

vSphere 5.0 Update 1 and Related Product Launches

VMware has unveiled a point release update to several of their products tied to the vSphere 5 virtual cloud datacenter platform plus a few new product launches. vCenter 5.0 Update 1 – Added support for new guest operating systems such as Windows 8, Ubuntu, and SLES 11 SP2, the usual resolved issues and bug fixes, […]

Storage Center 5.6 Released

There is a release of the storage center 5.6 and it comes with some features and platform support currently built into storage center 6.x as well as a large number of bug fixes. This is good news for those with 32-bit systems (series 30 or below) who require these features because SCOS 6.x is 64-bit […]

Adding an IP Alias to the vCloud Director Cell Server

Those who are aware of vCloud Director Installation and configuration, you would have noticed that two NICs or an IP alias are required to support two separate SSL connections on each vCloud Director cell server. One IP is used for the vCloud Director HTTP service and other is used for the console proxy service. When […]

Managing Amazon EC2 VMs from the vSphere client

Automation and mulitplatformsupport is gaining more and more popularity. We already a multihypervisor management tool from VMware for Hyper-V and VMware. From vCloud Automation Center you can create workloads in AWS and many more. Amazon has now come up with its own tool to bring the worlds of AWS and vSphere together. Amazon wants to […]

Free powerShell Script Browser and Script Analyzer.

Microsoft has released a free utility which allows people to browse published PowerShell script on Technet script center repository. A repository where there is over 9000 script samples. The utility allows you to search within the environment. The searches can be done through a window that allows you to search by date, popularity, author or […]

Organizing Your Slim Based Project

A Slim Based Project is basically extended over three main directories. Slim framework directory Project directory This directory contains your project files like routers, views, models. Being a microframework, Slim is not restrictive on any particular project structure. This means that you are allowed to structure your project files in any way you like. This […]

How to install Apache Tomcat 7 on Ubuntu 14.04 via Apt-Get

If you are unaware, Apache tomcat is an application server that is used to serve java applications to the web. Tomcat is an open source implementation of the java servlet and javaServer pages technologies, it is released by the Apache software foundation. This post basically covers the installation and some configuration of Tomcat 7.0.x, the […]

Nakivo backup & replication v4.0 released

Nakivo announced the release of their fourth version for backup & replication. Nakivo backup & replication is build for handling virtual infrastructures and is certified by VMware. The product works agent less and is meant for both onsite and offsite backup of virtual machines. The new version of backup and recovery includes: Instantly browse, search, […]

Latency is no longer a concern!!

No matter if your business require low or high bandwidth  network you definitely need a low latency network that will back you up in every angle and every application your business needs, VoIP imagine how much benefit you gain by running all your Voice Over IP servers on an extremely low latency network…. With today’s […]

One click install wordpress on Ubuntu 14.04

Start by creating a droplet and specify your host name then select region you come from. Select “WordPress on Ubuntu 14.04” from Application tab. If you use SSH keys to manage your droplets, which are more secure than passwords and are recommended, you can also specify which ones you want added to this server. This […]

Install phpLDAPadmin to Manage LDAP with a Web Interface

We are going to learn how to administer LDAP using the web interface though you can do that using the command line.phpLDAPadmin provides this functionality thus we are going to install it to help us remove some of the friction of learning the LDAP tools. You can install the phpLDAPadmin package by typing: sudo apt-get […]

How to Remove LinkedIn contact birthdays from your iPhone Calendar

When you add the linkedin app on your iphone it is dutifully populated by iphone calendar with everyone’s birthday which when interested is nice but when you are challenged for screen estate on the iphone, it becomes a problem. Honestly even though it is nice to send people birthday gifts and cards, it is not […]

How to monitor what your vCAC IaaS Server is doing in real-time

vCAC is known to be a very complex product with a lot of moving parts, it is a lot of work to have to move back and forth between monitoring views in the UI. The IaaS server is a windows box that does most of the moving of the heavy parts, this ensures that you […]

How to install and configure Slim Framework on Ubuntu 14.04

This post is to show how to install and configure slim framework on a VPS. We assume that you have a LAMP( or your preferred )stack installed on Ubuntu.if your application won’t be using MySQL, you can skip its installation. The minimum you will need installed is an Apache  web server with Mod_Rewrite and PHP […]

How to create a SSL Certificate on Apache for Ubuntu 14.04

TLS (Transport Layer Security) and its predecessor SSL (secure sockets layer) are secure protocols created in order to place normal traffic in a protected, encrypted wrapper. These protocols allow traffic to be sent safely between remote parties without the possibility of the traffic being intercepted and read by someone in the middle. They are also […]

vShield Host preparation: Host not reachable

This is a small but useful tip when you are using the vShield and want to prepare a new ESXi host. The problem is when you click on the vShield tad inside the vSphere client you might see the message “host not reachable”. Actually a solution around this some basic troubleshooting like ping from the […]

Veeam: Unable to install Windows 2008 R2 SP1 error 800F0A12

A friend of mine was running windows 2008 R2 without Searvise pack 1, when he decided to run the service pack 2 one of  his test Veeam Backups servers he got an error message. To solve this nuisance problem follow the following steps: Be sure there are now active Veeam Backup jobs. But I think […]

vCops: Empty dashboard after the upgrade to version 5.6

This came to me as a surprise when I upgraded to vCenter Operations  5.0.3( vApp ) to vCenter Operations 5.6, instead of what I was expecting I got an empty screen when I  started the vCenter Operations Manager website and the Dashboard. This left me confuced I started troubleshooting then to my good luck after […]

vCheck6 Utility Commands

There is a new release of the vCheck6 and those with need for more info they can visit the vCheck 6 release page and ensure to visit the vCheck plugins page for the available plugins. Below are what I think will be some helpful tips for now: First you need to know the access the […]

vCenter Operations: Disable the default web timeout

This is just a quick post I thought to remind us how to disable the default web timeout of 30 minutes in vCenter Operations. Login as root on the UI VM. Open the the web.xml file with VI: vi/usr/lib/vmware-vcops/tomcat/webapps/vcops-vsphere/WEB-INF/web.xml Change the default value 30 to –1 to disable the timeout completely. <session-config>           <session-timeout>-1</session-timeout> </session-config> […]

Upload Media to vCloud with PowerCLI

This script is a way in which you can upload your media to your vCloud Director is a really nice script for those of us with many ISOs you need to put somewhere safe. Hope it helps: $isoFolder = “C:MyISOs” $vdcName = “MyVDC” $catalogName = “MyCatalog” # create / delete a cloud media object […]

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