It appears that at times snapshots solve it and asking the vCloud VM provider to set up backups is unrealistic, these examples will explain it:
• Upgrades with testing could take longer than a snapshot can exist.
• Temporary workloads may need backups for “warm storage”
So many would want to know how to go around this problem and the answer is:vCloudbackups is the powershell module for achieving this.
The vCloudbackups powershell module allows users to create local backups of VMs and vApps at any cloud provider running vCloud Director 1.5 or 5.1 i.e the VMs and vApps will be cloned to the same storage the workloads are currently running on or you can ask the vCloud provider or the backup administrator for the offsite backup.
The backup works in a very simple process:
The module is hot-cloning the VMs and vApps through the vCloud API.
VMs are stored inside a vApp called backups. every VM backup is named with vApp origination, VM name and a date and time of the backup creation.
vApp backups are the exact copy of the original though they have a named title as backup with a date and time of the backup
“Retention” is built into the module as a number to keep and the oldest will be deleted automatically.
Scheduling of the backups is done through the windows task scheduler and an included script called Mybackups.ps1. Certificate for your vCloud director login are stored encrypted in a configuration file thus one cannot access them with plain text password
vCloud VM and VApp Backups with PowerCLI
June 16, 2013
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