Setting Default VDSwitch security for vCloud with PowerCLI

June 11, 2013

Table of Contents

Being versed with knowledge on vCloud provider have in many occasions helped my friends who have their own private vCloud ,so I thought it will be a good  idea to share this with you.

It is about setting default security permissions for all new  VDportgroups that were created by vCloud director. Which defers from when setting security on a single portgroup. It sets the default for all portgroups created after the setting change?


# Configuration Settings                   #







# no need to edit anything below this line #


$dvSwitch = Get-VDSwitch $switchname

$spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VMwareDVSConfigSpec

$spec.configVersion = $dvswitch.ExtensionData.Config.ConfigVersion

$spec.DefaultPortConfig = New-Object VMware.Vim.VMwareDVSPortSetting

$spec.DefaultPortConfig.SecurityPolicy = New-Object VMware.Vim.DVSSecurityPolicy

$spec.DefaultPortConfig.SecurityPolicy.AllowPromiscuous = New-Object VMware.Vim.BoolPolicy

$spec.DefaultPortConfig.SecurityPolicy.AllowPromiscuous.Value = $promiscuous


$spec.DefaultPortConfig.SecurityPolicy.MacChanges = New-ObjectVMware.Vim.BoolPolicy

$spec.DefaultPortConfig.SecurityPolicy.MacChanges.Value = $macChanges

$spec.DefaultPortConfig.SecurityPolicy.ForgedTransmits = New-Object VMware.Vim.BoolPolicy

$spec.DefaultPortConfig.SecurityPolicy.ForgedTransmits.Value = $forgedTransmits


Luckily this will be help to those who need it.


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