Syslog gone mad after vSphere upgrade vSphere 5.1 update 1

June 18, 2013

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Syslog gone mad  I experienced this when I upgraded from vSphere 5.0 update 2 host to vSphere 5.1 update 1 I noticed an issue with the Isassd daemon, after the update manager finished with the upgrade the Isassd starts to write a lot of messages. For just 5 minutes the syslog server received 170k log messages from the upgraded host alone.

This message kept popping up in the logs:

esxihost.domain.loc lsassd[9297]: 0x6eb11b90:Terminating on fatal IPC exception

To solve this problem you first have to leave the windows domain. Select the host-Configuration – Authentication Services – properties. When you click to leave domain, the many logging hast stopped immediately.

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