vSphere 5.0 Update 1 and Related Product Launches

VMware has unveiled a point release update to several of their products tied to the vSphere 5 virtual cloud datacenter platform plus a few new product launches. vCenter 5.0 Update 1 – Added support for new guest operating systems such as Windows 8, Ubuntu, and SLES 11 SP2, the usual resolved issues and bug fixes, […]

Software Defined Single Sign On Database

Software Defined Single Sign On Database. One difficult task since the release of vSphere 5.1 has been the creation of SSO (Single Sign On) databases.  Creating an SSO database is not that incredibly difficult, but to achieve this; you require a higher level of attention to detail. There are a few reasons for this: VMware […]

VMware vCenter Server Update 5.5.0a Update Available

 vCenter Server Update 5.5.0a available. vCenter Server – VMware have released just released an update to the vCenter Server 5.5 product. The new release is numbered 5.5.0a and addresses a number of vCenter released bug fixes, mostly around the area of vCenter SSO (Single Sign-On). Based on the bug fixes found in this release, I […]

A Look at vCenter 5.5 SSO RC Installation

vCenter single sign on (SSO)  vsphere 5.5  release has several improvements, like the following: Completely re-written from the ground Multi-master architecture Native replication mechanism SSO now has site awareness (think of the possibilities for HA stretched clusters) MMC based diagnostic suite available as a separately maintained download The external database and its preparation dependency has […]

Registered storage providers missing after vCenter 5.5 Update 1 Upgrade.

It has come to my attention that when you upgrade to a vCenter 5.5 update 1 all your registered storage providers are unregistered once the reboot of the appliance is complete. It affects all storage providers. This was well confirmed and one must have plans on how you are going to rectify that problem. The […]

VMware vCenter Server 5.1 Update 2

There are some new features in the new VMware released some days back a vCenter Server 5.1 update 2 build 1473063. This update enables the customization for windows 8.1, windows 2012 R2 and SLES 11 SP3 and many more. Additionally there has been multiple fixes released which hopefully might interest you or your clients using […]

vShield Host preparation: Host not reachable

This is a small but useful tip when you are using the vShield and want to prepare a new ESXi host. The problem is when you click on the vShield tad inside the vSphere client you might see the message “host not reachable”. Actually a solution around this some basic troubleshooting like ping from the […]

vCops: Empty dashboard after the upgrade to version 5.6

This came to me as a surprise when I upgraded to vCenter Operations  5.0.3( vApp ) to vCenter Operations 5.6, instead of what I was expecting I got an empty screen when I  started the vCenter Operations Manager website and the Dashboard. This left me confuced I started troubleshooting then to my good luck after […]

vCenter Operations: Disable the default web timeout

This is just a quick post I thought to remind us how to disable the default web timeout of 30 minutes in vCenter Operations. Login as root on the UI VM. Open the the web.xml file with VI: vi/usr/lib/vmware-vcops/tomcat/webapps/vcops-vsphere/WEB-INF/web.xml Change the default value 30 to –1 to disable the timeout completely. <session-config>           <session-timeout>-1</session-timeout> </session-config> […]

Failed to connect to VMware lookup service

It has come to my attention that many people are having the problem of being unable to connect to the VMware lookup service. This is a problem that can be brought about by a number of reasons, I have come up with a list of some of these causes: 1. Recently upgraded vCenter 5.5.0 Server […]

Removing unwanted plug-ins from vCenter Server

Note: Removing unwanted plug-ins If you have vCenter Server in linked mode, perform the proceeding steps on the vCenter Server that was used to install= the plugin initially, then restart the vCenter Server services on linked vCenter Server. To remove the unwanted plug-ins from the Available Plug-ins list: In a web browser, navigate to http://vcenter server name […]

30 VMware vSphere Performance Tips

You most likely chose VMware’s vSphere as your virtualization solution due to it’s reputation as a solid and performant product; however, without proper attention and optimization you will not fully utilize the capabilities of the platform.  There’s a multitude of optimizations that can be made to make your vSphere setup perform at optimal levels .  This article […]

Working with Alarms and Email Alerts from vSphere – vCenter

As you may already know vCenter comes with a few default alarms such as ESX host connection state and usage alarms.These are useful but only are visible if you are logged into vCenter with VI Client however it can be configured so that you get email alerts when these alerts trigger between a certain status. At […]

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