vCloud user training
It is clear that a lot of vCloud users are not well trained by their vCloud providers. This is due to the fact that the current training available is for running your own vCloud Director environment and vCloud training staff is little and combined with provider level stuff. This is confusing for user. But good […]
Emailing vCloud Organization Users
Due to a lot of requests I found necessary to show you guys who might be having a problem using the “notify users” function in the vCloud Director web UI through the vCloud API. Even though the functionality is not in the API , PowerCLI and Powershell make work easier with the vCloud snap-in and […]
Creating new vCloud Organization users with PowerCLI
Today am going to show you how to create new cloud user with powerCLI though there is no new-CLuser cmdlet so far. We require a username , password and a role, the tough part is finding a role to assign the use, this can be done by using the Search-cloud: Search-Cloud -QueryType Role | select […]