vShield Edge Version Discovery with PowerCL

June 12, 2013

Table of Contents

It has become clear that when upgrading your vShield manager, the shield edge devices will not be upgrade until you restart them. Sometimes we are caught in a situation where you need to do manual  scheduled upgrades , then you are in good luck this little script will assist you keep track of all the old versions running in your environment. This script is a vSphere PowerCLI script but should work with both vCloud Director or regular vShield installs.

 $report = @()

$VSEs = Get-View -ViewType virtualmachine -Filter @{“name”=”vse”}

foreach ($vSE in $vSEs)


$vSEObject = New-Object PSObject

 Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name “Name” -Value $VSE.name -InputObject $vSEObject

 Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name “Version” -Value $VSE.config.vappconfig.product[0].version -InputObject $vSEObject

 Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name “Network0” -Value (Get-View -id $VSE.network[0].tostring()).name -InputObject $vSEObject

 Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name “Network1” -Value (Get-View -id $VSE.network[1].tostring()).name -InputObject $vSEObject

$report += $vSEObject


$highVer = ($report | Sort-Object -Property version -Descending)[0].version

$oldvSEs = $report | where {$_.version -ne $highVer}

$oldvSEs | Export-Csv $HOMEDesktopoldvSEs.csv -NoTypeInformation

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