RVTools 3.3 Now Available

September 29, 2013

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Good news: RVTools 3.3 from Rob de Veij is now generally available to the public.  Release notes for this build:

  • GetWebResponse time-out value changed from 5 minutes to 10 minutes (for very big environments)
  • New tab page with HBA information
  • On vDatastore tab the definition of the Provisioned MB and In Use MB columns was confusing! This is changed now.
  • RVToolsSendMail accepts now multiple recipients (semicolon is used as separator)
  • Folder information of VMs and Templates are now visible on vInfo tab page
  • Bugfix: data in combo boxes on filter form are now sorted
  • Bugfix: Problem with api version 2.5.0 solved
  • Bugfix: Improved exception handling on vCPU tab.
  • Bugfix: Improved exception handling on vDatastore tab.
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