Trust Relationship between Workstation and Domain Fails – fix without double reboot
Have you ever seen a message saying “The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed’’. Usually happens after a restore operation, after restoring an older VM and the windows VM can’t authenticate with the domain because the trust relationship between workstation and domain fails. The other reason for this could be after […]
vCloud VM and VApp Backups with PowerCLI
It appears that at times snapshots solve it and asking the vCloud VM provider to set up backups is unrealistic, these examples will explain it: • Upgrades with testing could take longer than a snapshot can exist. • Temporary workloads may need backups for “warm storage” So many would want to know how to go […]
Domain Controller keeps starting in Directory Service Restore mode
About Directory Service Restore mode. I wrote this post in case anyone had the same problem, after installing the last batch of Microsoft updates on one of my virtualized domain controllers. I wanted to restart my machine. After restating there was nothing unusual at that moment, so the virtual machines was started and I logged […]
Cleaning your vCloud Director Thumbnails (current.png)
Thumbnail images are used by vCloud Director to give you a preview of the screen without opening up to the remote console, the dark side is when you migrate/svMotion a machine managed by vCloud Director, it leaves a folder along with the thumbnail, this thumbnails are created and stored by vCloud Director as current.png on […]
Simple VM reporting in vCloud with PowerCLI
Its clear that many people are having a challenge of not having a great view of VMs and their location in the organization. This is all due to the unique requirement of VMs to exist inside vApps in vCloud director, this can be solved with a Get-CIVM command,which returns information about your VMs, but still […]
Add vCloud Harddisks with PowerCLI
Add vCloud Harddisks with PowerCLI When it comes to adding new disks to a VM,it is a little tough and you must be careful due to the many implementation of the objects in the SDK, tasks like conversion from XML to a .NET object is very tough, mostly to the with the vCloud API’s intricate […]