Add vCloud Harddisks with PowerCLI

June 11, 2013

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Add vCloud Harddisks with PowerCLI When it comes to adding new disks to a VM,it is a little tough and you must be careful due to the many implementation of the objects in the SDK, tasks like conversion from XML to a .NET object is very tough, mostly to the with the vCloud API’s intricate nodes, elements, attributes and many more.the solution is to use the 4 HTTP methods used in REST APIs: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. So the combination of PowerCLI and powershell.NET you create a new CLHarddisk, though it’s made on advanced level you can pipe a vCloud VM to it:

 # Passing VM via pipeline

Get-CIVM “MyVM” | New-CIHarddisk -size 10240

# Or just using a VM name

New-CIHarddisk -vm “MyVM” -size 10240

So the whole process is made with this code though it may create many disks just be keen:

function New-CIHarddisk





 [Parameter (ParameterSetName=”pipeline”,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Mandatory=$true)]$vm,

 [Parameter (Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]$size




 # Get indexes to create unique IDs for our new disk.

 if ($vm -is [System.String])


 $vm = get-civm $vm


 $vmHardware = $vm.ExtensionData.GetVirtualHardwareSection()

 $scsiController = $vmHardware.item | where {$_.resourceType.value -eq “6”}

 $highaddress = ($vmHardware.item | where {$_.resourcetype.value -eq “17”} | Sort-Object addressonParent)[-1].addressonParent.value

 $addressOnParent = [int]$highaddress + 1

 $highInstance = ($vmHardware.item | where {$_.resourcetype.value -eq “17”} | Sort-Object instanceID)[-1].instanceId.value

 $instanceId = [int]$highInstance + 1

 $highElement = ($vmHardware.item | where {$_.resourcetype.value -eq “17”} | Sort-Object elementName)[-1].elementName.value

 $elementName = [int]$highElement.Split()[-1] + 1


# We need to get the raw XML via vCloud API to add the new disk.

 $hardwareContentType = “application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.virtualHardwareSection+xml”

 $webclient = New-Object



 [xml]$hardwareConfXML = $webclient.DownloadString($vmhardware.href)


# Clone the XML node, assign our variables, and insert child into the XML

 $newDisk = ($hardwareConfXML.VirtualHardwareSection.Item | where {$_.resourcetype -eq 17})[-1].clonenode(1)

 $newDisk.AddressOnParent = “$addressOnParent”

 $newDisk.InstanceId = “$instanceId”

 $newDisk.elementName = “Hard Disk $elementName”

 $newdisk.hostresource.capacity = “$size”

 $newDisk.parent = “$($scsiController.instanceID.value)”

 [void]$hardwareConfXML.VirtualHardwareSection.InsertAfter($newDisk,($hardwareConfXML.VirtualHardwareSection.Item | where {$_.resourcetype -eq 17})[-1])


# PUT the data back through vCloud API

 $request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($vmHardware.href);




 $request.ContentType = $hardwareContentType

 $postData = $hardwareConfXML.virtualhardwaresection.outerxml

 $xmlString = $postData.replace(“

“,””) # adding strings to xml puts in silly newlines.

 [byte[]]$xmlEnc = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($xmlString)

 $request.ContentLength = $xmlEnc.length

 [System.IO.Stream]$requestStream = $request.GetRequestStream()

 $requestStream.write($xmlEnc, 0, $xmlEnc.Length)


 $response = $request.GetResponse()

 $responseStream = $response.getResponseStream()

 $streamReader = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($responseStream)

 $result = $streamReader.ReadtoEnd()






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