How to Install and setup Postfix on Ubuntu 14.04

July 6, 2014

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Postfix is an extremely prominent open source Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) that could be utilized to course and convey email on a Linux framework. It is evaluated that around 25% of open mail servers on the web run Postfix.

In this aide, we’ll show you how to get up and running rapidly with Postfix on a Ubuntu 14.04 server.


To follow this aide, you ought to have a Fully Qualified Domain Name pointed at your Ubuntu 14.04 server.

Install the Software

The establishment procedure of Postfix on Ubuntu 14.04 is simple on the grounds that the product is in Ubuntu’s default package repositories.

Since this is our first operation with able in this session, we’re going to redesign our local package index and after that install the Postfix package:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install postfix

At this point you will be asked the type of mail configuration you would like for your server. For our case, we will be using “internet site” because it’s the best match for our server.

Next, you will be requested the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for your server. This is your full area name (like Actually, a FQDN is obliged to end with a dot, yet Postfix does not require this. So we can simply enter it like:

The software will then be cinfigures using the settings you gave. This deals with the installation, but we need to configure different things that we were not provoked for throughout the installation process.

Configure Postfix

Some configuration has to be done to the postfix configuration file.

start by accessing the file with root privileges in your ext editor:

sudo nano/etc/postfix/

To begin with, we have to discover the myhostname parameter. Throughout the arrangement, the FQDN we chose was added to the mydestination parameter, however myhostname stayed set to localhost. We need to indicate this our FQDN as well:


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