Using PowerCLI to Answer Virtual Machine Message Questions

Many people, who do not like working hard, but believe in efficiency, automation and working smarter.  Just like scripters. You’ll sometimes hear them say something like “Any process which is repeated once or more should be scripted”.  Thus my personal threshold for committing to a scripted method is higher than one repetition. Mostly, if you […]

Upload Media to vCloud with PowerCLI

This script is a way in which you can upload your media to your vCloud Director is a really nice script for those of us with many ISOs you need to put somewhere safe. Hope it helps: $isoFolder = “C:MyISOs” $vdcName = “MyVDC” $catalogName = “MyCatalog” # create / delete a cloud media object […]

PowerCLI: enable SSH and configure ESXi host Firewall

Here is a post to help you be able to configure SSH to start automatically. This is done by PowerCLI scripts that hide the shell warning message and configure the ESXi firewall to allow connection from specific  IP addresses. You first have to know where you can change the ESXi firewall settings. Here are the steps: […]

vCloud VM and VApp Backups with PowerCLI

It appears that at times snapshots solve it and asking the vCloud VM provider to set up backups is unrealistic, these examples will explain it: • Upgrades with testing could take longer than a snapshot can exist. • Temporary workloads may need backups for “warm storage” So many would want to know how to go […]

PowerCLI in the Cloud

Those who are active with PowerCLI sessions at VMWorld, you may still be having in your mind the mention of a vCloud snapin coming soon. It is going to be the first Powershell snapin that allows administration of your hybrid cloud environment. PowerCLI 5.01 is now available with a new snapin for vCloud Director 1.5. […]

Power combined: PowerCLI and OVFTool

Power combined: Combining two good things creates wonders. In this post I will show how to combine the automation abilities of PowerCLI with OVFTool. You first have to get some old knowledge. Open virtualization format was designed to be a universal packaging system for virtual machines and vApps across any virtualization platform. It’s very useful […]

dvPortgroup Inheritance

Someone may claim the default settings for portgroup inheritance in the dvSwitches, they may be missing in the vSphere client but they still exist and can be set in the API.The real problem was every new dvPortgroup does not have the correct settings for the environment, so you have to manually and set them after […]

Cleaning your vCloud Director Thumbnails (current.png)

Thumbnail images are used by vCloud Director to give you a preview of the screen without opening up to the remote console, the dark side is when you migrate/svMotion a machine managed by vCloud Director, it leaves a folder along with the thumbnail, this thumbnails are created and stored by vCloud Director as current.png on […]

vShield Edge Version Discovery with PowerCL

It has become clear that when upgrading your vShield manager, the shield edge devices will not be upgrade until you restart them. Sometimes we are caught in a situation where you need to do manual  scheduled upgrades , then you are in good luck this little script will assist you keep track of all the […]

vCloud Director Snapshots with PowerCLI

Providers and users running vCloud 5.1 have access to take a single snapshot of your be able to have all the fun you want with the snapshots in powerCLI you are going to need what I have in this article today. powerCLI 5.1 currently supports only the vCloud API 1.5 which means there are […]

vCloud API 5.1 Metadata

Over the years there has been a lot of changes in metadata in vCloud director,so am going to give te difference between the metadata in vCloud director 5.1 and the previous ones. The difference is: Typed values-in the latest update it must be put into a certain type, on random metadata entry. Domain and visibility-it […]

Simple VM reporting in vCloud with PowerCLI

Its clear that many people are having a challenge of not having a great view of  VMs and their location in the organization. This is all due to the unique requirement of VMs to exist inside vApps in vCloud director, this can be solved with a Get-CIVM command,which returns information about your VMs, but still […]

vCloud 5.1 API Support in PowerCLI 5.1 R2

It has been clear that some people were curious to know when the vCloud 5.1 feature will support powerCLI , wait no more! The powerCLI 5.1 R2 has officially stopped  and the new vCloud 5.1 feature are built in. these new properties and featuresd are found in the .extensiondata of objects like a VM returned […]

Sharing vApps in vCloud with PowerCLI

Some times vCloud Directors give the organization users grainy control over the the level of access users have to vApps , this is all controlled through the the vCloud API and powerCLI. The code below takes vApps‘ current settings and allow the user to modify the vApp: # Get our required Objects $vapp = Get-CIVApp […]

Setting Default VDSwitch security for vCloud with PowerCLI

Being versed with knowledge on vCloud provider have in many occasions helped my friends who have their own private vCloud ,so I thought it will be a good  idea to share this with you. It is about setting default security permissions for all new  VDportgroups that were created by vCloud director. Which defers from when […]

Import an OVF from your desktop to a vCloud Org Catalog

It comes a time when you have downloaded a nice appliance in OVF and you want to upload it to your vCloud Director Org and you have encountered a problem while using the Web UI , this simple PowerCLI method will help you get your appliance from your desktop into your Org. Which to me […]

Creating new vCloud Organization users with PowerCLI

Today am going to show you how to create new cloud user with powerCLI though there is no new-CLuser cmdlet so far. We require a username , password and a role, the tough part is finding a role to assign the use, this can be done by using the Search-cloud: Search-Cloud -QueryType Role | select […]

Add vCloud Harddisks with PowerCLI

Add vCloud Harddisks with PowerCLI When it comes to adding new disks to a VM,it is a little tough and you must be careful due to the many implementation of the objects in the SDK, tasks like conversion from XML to a .NET object is very tough, mostly to the with the vCloud API’s intricate […]

VMware releases vSphere powerCLI 5.5 R2

There was some new release of vSphere PowerCLI 5.5(Build 1649237) wich was shared by Alan Renouf on facebook . The new R2 has the following features per the release notes: Access to the vCenter Server SRM public API (Connect-SRMServer and Disconnect-SRMServer cmdlets) – an exciting addition for sure Support for adding and removing tags and […]

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