
247Rack Blog Update

vCops: Empty dashboard after the upgrade to version 5.6

This came to me as a surprise when I upgraded to vCenter Operations  5.0.3( vApp ) to vCenter Operations 5.6, instead of what I was expecting I got an empty screen when I  started the vCenter Operations Manager website and

vCheck6 Utility Commands

There is a new release of the vCheck6 and those with need for more info they can visit the vCheck 6 release page and ensure to visit the vCheck plugins page for the available plugins. Below are what I think

vCenter Operations: Disable the default web timeout

This is just a quick post I thought to remind us how to disable the default web timeout of 30 minutes in vCenter Operations. Login as root on the UI VM. Open the the web.xml file with VI: vi/usr/lib/vmware-vcops/tomcat/webapps/vcops-vsphere/WEB-INF/web.xml Change

Upload Media to vCloud with PowerCLI

This script is a way in which you can upload your media to your vCloud Director is a really nice script for those of us with many ISOs you need to put somewhere safe. Hope it helps: $isoFolder =

Release: Veam Backup & Replication 6.5

For those not aware, there has been a new release of the Veam Backup & Replication 6.5. It’s very interesting, the first backup solution for vSphere 5.1 and windows Server 2012 Hyper-3.0. A well brief of the new features can

PowerShell your world cup

PowerShell This is something that is very exciting and if you are interested you should try it. I found the post and tried it. Here is a function and how you use them. Go to the kimono website and sign

PowerCLI: enable SSH and configure ESXi host Firewall

Here is a post to help you be able to configure SSH to start automatically. This is done by PowerCLI scripts that hide the shell warning message and configure the ESXi firewall to allow connection from specific  IP addresses. You first

vCloud VM and VApp Backups with PowerCLI

It appears that at times snapshots solve it and asking the vCloud VM provider to set up backups is unrealistic, these examples will explain it: • Upgrades with testing could take longer than a snapshot can exist. • Temporary workloads

How to install and configure OpenLDAP on Ubuntu 14.04 Server

LDAP, or lightweight directory access protocol, is a protocol designed to manage and access associated information in a centralized, hierarchical file and directory structure. It operates like a relational database , but this does not hold true for everything. The

PowerCLI in the Cloud

Those who are active with PowerCLI sessions at VMWorld, you may still be having in your mind the mention of a vCloud snapin coming soon. It is going to be the first Powershell snapin that allows administration of your hybrid

Power combined: PowerCLI and OVFTool

Power combined: Combining two good things creates wonders. In this post I will show how to combine the automation abilities of PowerCLI with OVFTool. You first have to get some old knowledge. Open virtualization format was designed to be a

How to be a PowerCLI Ninja

Many people are becoming curious about the powershell/powerCLI and how to become a Powershell/PowerCLI ninja and I think the following tips will help one go a long way to become one: Focus on specific task. When you are curious about

dvPortgroup Inheritance

Someone may claim the default settings for portgroup inheritance in the dvSwitches, they may be missing in the vSphere client but they still exist and can be set in the API.The real problem was every new dvPortgroup does not have

Cleaning your vCloud Director Thumbnails (current.png)

Thumbnail images are used by vCloud Director to give you a preview of the screen without opening up to the remote console, the dark side is when you migrate/svMotion a machine managed by vCloud Director, it leaves a folder along

VMware trademark guide

VMware trademark guide a very important resource for bloggers, technical writer .VMware employees and partners who have less interest in blogs .the guide is intended to provide guidance regarding the VMware brand names that tend to draw the greatest interest.

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